M.O.P.’s first objective is to promote Naloxone. Why?
Narcan/Naloxone is an effective anti-opioid that can save a life if used in time. In our opinion, current methods of distribution for Naloxone are inadequate, and stigma around it is pervasive. Musicians need all kinds of support, but until Naloxone is ubiquitous, this is going to be our first priority.
M.O.P. F.A.Q:
What is MOP’s stance on drug use?
MOP has no stance on drug use. We just want musicians who do use drugs not to die of overdose.
What is Narcan?
Narcan is a nasally-administered form of the drug Naloxone, which is an opioid blocker. If administered in time, it can reverse an opioid overdose and prevent death.
Why do you recommend Narcan over other forms of Naloxone?
Narcan is as easy to use as nasal allergy medicine. That’s why we recommend it to people who may not be familiar with giving injections. (Many people are relieved to find that helping people is not going to mean giving somebody a shot. However, if you are comfortable giving injections, the intramuscular form is much cheaper.)
Should I, a regular person, really carry Naloxone?
Yes. Keep it in your instrument case, purse, messenger bag, jacket pocket, or wherever you are most likely to have it on you and in easy reach (not somewhere with extreme temperature changes). You never know when you’ll come across someone who needs help, and our intention is to deputize you. In the past few years in the county where MOP is based, 10% of all overdoses were reversed with naloxone administered by regular people, just like you. Two musicians have already saved lives using Narcan from MOP. Whatever your lifestyle is like, we want you to have it.
Why does the surgeon general want you to carry naloxone?
How can I get some Narcan?
Drug users and people who live with drug users can get naloxone for free from their local Health Departments. People who are not using drugs (but just want to look after other people) will have to get their own. Those with good insurance can typically get Narcan (the nasal form) for $75-80 (CVS and Walgreens are the ones we recommend; they are both explicitly pro-naloxone); IV naloxone will be cheaper. If you don’t have good insurance, you can get some Naloxone for $35 by mail from https://www.naloxoneexchange.com/. If you have questions, contact us. Maybe we can help.
Could I get sued for administering Naloxone?
Because of the increase in opioid overdose deaths in the U.S., all states have Good Samaritan laws in place. These laws state that if you try to help someone in good faith who you believe is overdosing, that person or their representatives can not sue you, no matter what the outcome might be.
Can Naloxone hurt someone?
No. Administering Naloxone in any form to someone who is not experiencing an opioid overdose will have no effect. According to harmreduction.org, it is not possible to give someone so much naloxone that it will hurt them, and it has no effect at all on someone with no opioids in their system. In other words, you can’t hurt someone with Narcan, even if you make a mistake. Someone whose opioid overdose is reversed won’t feel great when they first come around, but they won’t die.
Is Naloxone a prescription drug?
Kind of: it is a prescription drug that a doctor doesn’t need to prescribe for you. Because of the immense need for this drug, there is a ‘standing order’ or equivalent legislation in every state (you can access these at narcan.com) which acts as a blanket prescription for anyone, anytime. In other words, Narcan/naloxone is a prescription drug, but you can show up at any pharmacy and ask for it. This weird stance on the part of the medical/pharmaceutical industries is indicative of the fact that they’re trying to regulate naloxone while at the same time making it ubiquitous. It’s complicated.
How Can I Help MOP?
Talk about Narcan.
This drug is really helpful, and it is not harmful. However, you might notice a weird amount of prejudice and ignorance once you start talking about it. In 2019 the U.S. Surgeon General stated that it’s more important for average Americans to carry Narcan than to know CPR; in spite of this, many people still don’t even want to talk about it. Help us break down the walls of stigma. Tell people what Narcan is and why it’s important.
Talk about what MOP is doing.
We are trying to normalize Narcan, and also trying to address mental health issues amongst the musician community. Take a picture of you and/or your band with your Narcan and send it to us, and post it and tag us. You can also follow MOP and Holy Crap Records on Facebook and Instagram.